Head Message
Fariya Tabassum
Head of ECE

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) has been opened to meet the challenge of today’s national and international Electrical and Computer industry. This department has started its glorious journey under the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology. It offers four years B.Sc. Engineering degree with a provision of taking either Electrical power Engineering or Electronics or Computer Engineering as the major track. An...

Team Annexe RUET

Team Annexe RUET has participated in the Formula Kart Design Challenge-FKDC season 7 very successfully held at  Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in India on 29 October by the cordial support of Professor Dr. Md. Jahangir Alam, Vice-Chancellor of RUET. On...

MoU with Various University and Industries

 Serial  Name of The University/Industry  Website ...


About ECE read more

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, one of the top engineering university in the country, has opened the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) in 2016. The department has the mission of accumulation, generation and propagation of knowledge in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The central aim to the mission is a top quality educational program and research that benefits our students, researcher, the division of Rajshahi, the national and the world. The department also focuses and acts for enlargement, growth and entrepreneurship. It is expected that the department will assist future growth in areas of fundamental economic importance to the country.

Mission & Vision of ECE read more

The Vision of ECE:

To produce high-caliber graduates who are well-versed in both electrical and computer engineering and will serve as pioneers in addressing global challenges for the betterment of life and society.

The Mission of ECE:

1.   To provide the students with adequate technical knowledge in Electrical and Computer Engineering for solving national and global problems.

2. To produce skilled professionals with high ethical and moral values to serve the society.

3. To conduct advanced research in order to tackle the dynamic challenges of the expanding technological era and improve the quality of human life.

Programs read more

Admission read more

Admission to RUET is extremely competitive. The admission is completely transparent and student-friendly standard process from the application to publication the admission test results.

Under Graduate Program     

Admission procedure for the Under Graduate program is annually reviewed and improvements implemented on coming admission test regular basis. Any modification of admission test procedure is announced in the website by notice prior the admission test, though the updated prospectus will be available in the website in due time. Details are available to anyone through inquires.Every year, the university received applications on prescribed application form from the students who passed H. S. C examination. Application received on the basis of admission announcement and full-filling the application requirements. The requirements are set by the admission committee.  Among the received applications the admission committee scrutinized and set priority based on highest sum of the grade point of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English of H.S.C. The committee continue the priority process until the number of students equal to the authority has decided to allow for sit in the admission test. Usually about ten times students of the total seat are allowed for admission test. Combine admission test is held and allocation the department is done after the admission on the basis of merit position and choice of the students.The list of valid candidate for admission test is published in the notice board and university website. Candidates collect his/her Roll number from the notice board or website with respect to their reserve Form number. Candidates have to reserve the Roll number and Form number in the admission test and for future reference.   
